Saturday, September 25, 2010

10 Poems that Written by Filipino Writers

                                                                                           Last Love

                           by: J.D. Mariposa
                               Best of friends
                       together took a leap
                            Now true friends
                     ahh! feelings run deep                              
                          Two hearts fused
                       hands ever entwined

                                   Ti's all worth the wait
                               to care for one as kindly   
                                  Never never too late
                                 to love but not blindly
                                So, to you my friend first, 
                                      my last love, i say 
                                   I'll be true every and
                                                                           each of my waking day!

                                                                          Last Piece in the Puzzle of My life
                                                                                            Vic P. Yambao

                                                                             The sweetness of your Voice
                                                                                Your soul searching eyes
                                                                                Throw in the smiling lips
                                                                                 Makes my life complete

                                                                         Missing you,when you're gone
                                                                                         But frozen stiff
                                                                                when you're around
                                                                                 As my worthless life
                                                                                    is now complete
                                                                            This dream might end...
                                                                                          if I'll stir...  

                                                                  Who Am I
Brian Joseph Sy
                                                  Who am I to blindly believe that
                                      I can become parcel of this sacred ground?
                                              To pretend that I am a strong wind
                                                to guide your ever sturdy wings

                                   Who am I to change this persistent blue rain?
                                    To pretend that I can wash the sorrows away
                                              from your ever beating heart

                                        Who am I to care for this mortified soul?
                                        To pretend that sanctity ascends in my
                                                          figureless touch…

                                    I am none. Transcending only the littlest of
                                         existence only meager eyes could see.
                                                    In the skies I plead alms
                                                to catch your merciful grace;
                                                  To rescue me from this 
                                              lonesome cloud of misery
                                                            that I call self

                                                                  Tracing You
                                                              Kristina Aquino

                                                         Imagine the train tracks,
                                               the train speeding away from you.
                                                         We were somewhere
                                                and someone else a minute ago.

                                                           So I give you this,
                                               the poet, the imagined martyr,
                                              unmoving in her seat--she is one
                                             of the firsts, she is daybreak today-- 

                                                 it does nothing but stare back.
                                            She is so still the train stops with her.
                                                      "Cubao", she mouths.

                                                     Imagine the train tracks,
                                                the train speeding away from
                                                               you, Cubao.
                                                         We were with you
                                                         some minute ago.

                                                      There are buildings
                                            on the way to the end of the line,
                                                              but structure
                                             eliminates the idea of a horizon.
                                               It is sad when imagined things
                                                            start dying, too.

                                                      Vener Santos

                                                       Days will pass,
                                             And things will grow old.
                                                   Flowers will bloom,
                                                  And soon will decay.
                                             But when friendship starts,
                                      All of the year it will remain fresh.

                                                 Friends will grow old,
                                            But friendship will never.
                                             As long as we both care,
                                          It will remain young forever.
                                        Death will separate it on earth,
                                           But it will reborn in heaven.

                                                No rest
                                                       Kyo Zapanta

                                      It's time for me to rest for a while
                                         My condition is not that good
                                 But hell, I can't seem to leave behind
                                          Whatever it is that I must do

                                      c p
I know it’s been in overtime
                                        I shouldn’t be here anymore
                                         But that workaholi
art of me
                                      Seem to like the stress in store

                                     But then again by head’s in pain
                                             My body is just saying no
                           My eyes are swollen and tears are forming
                                           I could cry in stress ever so
                                       But I wouldn’t cry even if I feel it
                                              For when I do I’ll be okay
                                      Then I would again want to work
                              And I’ll be working for the rest of the day

                                                              Jan L. Velasco

                                                 Watching the rain spilling down,
                                                      drowning the earth below, 

                                                               reminds me of
                                                      life's perpetual change.

                                                     The storm that we dread, 
                                                           is a sea of kindness
                                                             that lifts--the mask
                                               of (world's) avarice and sufferings 

                                     and fills the thirst, up to the brim of our souls. 

                                                                  Now I Know
                                                             Jose Paulo Tolentino

                                               Seven months felt like seven years
                                                and now I face my greatest fears
                                                   Why before I could never wait
                                                but now I know the heavy weight.

                                                    In a strange world, a mad city,
                                                         it is tough to be an adult
                                                          you take responsibility
                                                     to bear frustration and insult  

                                                 There are days I would like to die
                                                       life is not pretty as it seem
                                                Leave this and what do I redeem?
                                                   many I have learned is just a lie

                                                 They say I should create a goal
                                                 Love and life is what you make it
                                                 but somehow it just could not fit
                                                       All I have is a hollow soul

                                             From here I don't know where to go
                                                      Being an adult, now I know.

                                                              Karlo Pineda 
                                                        A wrinkled forehead
                                                         alters your fair face.
                                                         Furious stares nest
                                                   in your eyes--sanctuaries
                                              for nothing save fears and fires.

                                                             By this time
                                                   you are a swollen sun
                                                           ready to punish      
                                                my city with the scorching
                                                             of twin hells.

                                              And in your mad radiation
                                                  I am a giant sunburn.

                                                      As I write this poem
                                          my heart has already exploded
                                                     to myriad embers.
                                            My unfinished verse
                                                             Ulysses Palmones

                                You were sitting on the coach, you stole my glance
                                                    My heart leaps, nowhere to run
                                                  I tried to hide, pretended and lied
                                                           You were just a dream
                                                       Part of my foolish game….

                                     How can I disguise those sleepless nights?
                                               Where silhouette of thy beauty
                                                     Humming to my serenity
                                                           A glowing ember
                                                     A feeling next to never….

                                  Chasing my illusion, my eventual desperation
                                              Tasted the nectar of bitterness
                                 and plan tomorrow, how to clean my mess
                                                      A test to my sanity
                                                Or maybe…my stupidity…..

                                        Will you came to unlock my chain?
                                                  Maybe a piece of gem
                                             To replace the wedding ring
                                                A cradle to my loneliness
                                                          and craziness….